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What are Heavy Metals, exactly?
The usual examples include: Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), Arsenic (As), Chromium (Cr) and Lead (Pb), apparently because the relatively high density that they have in common, causes them to be toxic or poisonous at even low concentrations. This high density translates scientifically into a high specific-gravity (usually meaning, greater than 4.0).
Sadly, it is this group of elements that have been used popularly for decades in coatings, paints, lacquers for packaging applications, furniture, other industrial uses, and most
unfortunately, children's toys. The EPA and other environmental groups are constantly evaluating these metals http://www.ampef.com/gloss.html for potential toxic effects to
In addition to high density (high specific gravity and high atomic mass), certain elements according to their metallic groupings (alternative terms are 'metal' or 'semi-metal') on the Periodic Table, together with malleability, and electrical and thermal conductivity, are therefore suspected, and are generally determined to be a part of this class. These may
be found in the waste stream especially as part of discarded items such as batteries, lighting fixtures, colorants and inks. www.kleanindustries.com/s/Glossary.asp To be sure, a heavy metal, classically, is any of a number of higher atomic weight elements...
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